Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Challenge of Time

So... Two months have passed by and I have made very little forward progress editing Shadows of the Knight. The biggest challenge to finding time to edit has been a surprise change in my day job. In January, I was approached with an opportunity to return to the company where I worked from 1996 through 2008 in a challenging new role. After evaluating and accepting the offer, I spent the next few weeks focusing on transitioning my responsibilities at the company where I worked the past two years and four plus months. Then I started the new job and have been focusing on my new responsibilities there.

I've kept the plots and characters alive and well during my commutes and other times not suitable for editing yet available for reflection but will need to make a dedicated effort to find additional time. Starting tomorrow evening, I will begin carving out a little time each day to edit my novel. Even if time only allows me to edit one or two pages some nights, I will be sure to keep the forward progress rolling to craft my novel into a solid draft ready for the first round of critics.