Thursday, May 17, 2018

Summer Awakening

As Daffy Duck oft declared, "Rabbit Season!"  More specifically, it is "Dust Bunny Season" in the Vampire Chess world!  I have finally chased off the large herd of dust bunnies that spawned prolifically over the past few years to bury my drafts here in my Frisco, Texas hideaway.  I have set an official goal for myself to complete the editing of Shadows of the Knight by Labor Day (2018), lest I become just another George R.R. Martin. Of course, with his bank account at my disposal, I wouldn't have had a silly little day job to timeshare with all this time. Wouldn't it be great if I could publish (self- or otherwise) before The Winds of Winter ever hits the bookshelves?  Okay, so I might be heavily outnumbered on that ambition but if Vegas posted odds, I'm not so sure my odds would be longer than his.

Life has certainly been a whirlwind outside of the VC world during my long writing and editing hiatus, though the universe always lives on in my mind.  Just don't throw any pop quizzes at me until I'm fully re-immersed.  It's whimsical which fine details I recall vividly and which ones escape my recollection.  Today is a quick warm up for my official Memorial Day to Labor Day timeline.  The original saga is alive and well with only one significant change coming out of the long hiatus.  After deliberating for years, I decided it was too tacky to have a key vampire named Repput in my saga, so I've officially renamed him in the SOTK draft.

The unrelenting calendar will certainly force me to readjust my plans for post-VC story lines.  It's almost eerie how many subplots the Trump Presidency has stolen from my fictional President in those plans.  While that whole timeline will need to be revisited and reworked, fortunately, the 5  Vampire Chess novels are set from 2003 through 2008 and have always existed in the past.  But let's focus on one novel at a time for the immediate future so Shadows of the Knight can finally become a novel before its 10th birthday next year!