Thursday, May 5, 2011

Knight Writer

So, after a virtual hiatus that lasted a few months, I am finally back editing Shadows of the Knight on a regular basis. Despite late hours at work, I've been able to squeeze in time many nights lately to edit a few chapters before surrendering to sleep. If I can keep up the current pace, I should be able to finish the first full round of editing during the summer. Then perhaps I'll allow the first rough draft to escape the dungeon for a few daring critics.

In the meantime, the outlines for the future volumes of my saga continue to evolve as the characters and plots churn away in my head. I find it ironic how listening to audiobooks during my commute to and from work elicits sudden ideas for my own novels even though the ones I'm listening to are from completely different genres. It would probably take a highly skilled psychoanalyst to figure out the slightest connection between the point in the audiobook and the ideas that emerge. On the topic of authors, I must give thanks to my friend Pam for recommending Orson Scott Card and Harlan Coben. I find both authors very entertaining and expect to exhaust my library's audiobook offerings for them in short order.

Good night for now... I'm off to finish editing another chapter!

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